Title: Vital Aging Clinic – Anacortes
URL: https://www.vitalagingclinic.com/
Description: Diagnosing and Treating the Root of the Issue
Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND, is a naturopathic physician who is committed to providing whole-person compassionate care to adults. She believes that a physician’s role is to teach patients about positive health choices and empower patients to reach their health goals. Treatment of symptoms is important, but true healing comes from finding and treating the cause.
Dr. Fleming focuses on managing chronic disease and acute conditions through diagnostic testing, herbal medicine, nutrition, pharmacy and therapeutic physical techniques.
Dr. Fleming wishes to make naturopathic care accessible and comfortable for all people. House calls are available when needed and payment options can be arranged at the clinic’s discretion.
Keywords: healthy aging
Date Added: 29/12/2024
Category: Health And Medical → General Health