Title: Big Marlin Charters Punta Cana
URL: http://www.bigmarlinpuntacana.com
Description: Exclusively beautiful modern fishing boat with beautiful spacious cabin with white leather coaches, air-conditioner, TV, Bar, Shower and the toilet. Large cockpit with a fighting chair Pompanette for hard fishing and Forward, overlooking fly-bridge for relaxing. The yacht if perfectly equipped with top class equipment for private fishing charters we use (Penn International, Shimano, Rapala), the freshest bait Balyhoo fish! Navigated by the local Dominican Captain with more than 7 years of successful experience and a mate assistant. Our anglers rarely come back empty handed, and you can count of the trophey size catch in those waters. Atlantic Ocean is a cradle for Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish, Dorado (Mahi Mahi)and more... We have discount packages for Family Fishing Charters! Private van transfer included in price and will pick you up from the hotel and bring you back. Please visit our website for more details and information: I wish you Tight Line. Cap. Yustas Fortuna
Keywords: Big Marlin Charters Punta Cana
Date Added: 28/12/2024
Category: Enjoyment & Sports → Outdoor Activities